Personal Pan Fritata



1 medium potato (red)

3-4 oz. favourite vegetable (I use onions and kale)

2 large eggs

1/8 tsp. pepper

1/8 tsp. lemon pepper

1/8 tsp. paprika

salt to taste

1 tbsp. solid shortening or oil for coating the pan (I use cononut, deflavoured)

1 tbsp. gf flour (for coating the pan)

1 tbsp. olive oil (in the mix)


A delightful single serving fritata for the morning.


Dice potatoes, add in veges. Add in all spices, except the oil and flour. Pre Heat the oven to 350 ° F. Mix the veges and things in a bowl, scramble the eggs. I like to pre-measure the amount in a small (single serving size) cast iron pan, then transfer to a mixing bowl. Mix all ingredients minus the lubricating (coconut) oil and flour.

Take the solid shortening (in my case coconut oil) and line the cast iron pan with it. Dust with flour to prevent sticking, lightly tap (or not so lightly over a surface to get rid of excess four).

Pour mixture into prepared pan. Put in oven for 35-40 minutes. I also like to top with a GF compatible (and dairy free) Parmesan like substitute.